Saturday, December 6, 2008

Graham cracker CHAOS

Graham cracker shrapnel was flying, everything and everyone was covered with frosting, and philosophical discussions were had as to where hair migrates when you go bald (don't ask). But all in all, a great time was had by all, even though the artistic outcomes were highly questionable.

Swearing was kept to a minimum, no one hurled from mixing spice drops and Nerds, and there was nary a bikini fungus to be found. Clearly an improvement over LAST year.


LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

bikini fungi, eh? i'm sorta glad i had to miss it then, if that was the case. :) these look amazing!

Amy said...

Brad apologizes for swearing so much last year. Maybe next year we wont have a work party to go to.

Jo Mama said...

I just want to know where you shop to get toilet paper tubes made out of graham cracker.